Last Update: 02/03/10

My First Les Paul Build

Neck Body Fingerboard

Maple top from North Ridge Hardwoods.
Price Paid: $86.00(Ebay auction $70 + $16 s&h)

Jointing the top plates.

Side edges are marked with pencil. When all the pencil lines are planed off I know I have the complete edge planed without any high or low spots.

Test the fit.

Apply Titebond One original formula glue.

Match up the grain and tighten clamps.

Another clamp for the middle.

After a few days of drying I mark out the body shape. A darker line about 3/8" outside the body line is what I will cut to.

Top cut. Ready for thicknessing to 5/8"

Go to BODY to see the top attached to the body.

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since January 31, 2010
The start date of this build.
